Why Cartoon Violence is Creative and David Mills is Prove Of That

Cartoon violence is a touchy subject for some, mostly parents all around the world, yet enjoyed by adults and children alike. Of course in moderation and nothing too absurd. It is a rather whimsical and fantastical corner of animation and entertainment. With the plot and characters taking part in exaggerated conflicts and performing physical feats beyond the constraints of physics and logic. Although brutal in nature and sometimes filled with gore, it is a vibrant expression of humor, satire, and artistic flair. 

Whether it is Bugs Bunny shooting a man with a revolver in "Loony Toons", Coyote getting blown up with dynamite again in "Loony Toons", Chris and Meg's cafeteria slaughter from "Family Guy", or Rick in "Rick and Morty" beating his long-time nemesis to a bloody pulp. It is all around a fun time and perfectly captured in all types of media ranging from "TV shows", "Movies", "Comics", and the second part of the topic at hand "Games". And this is demonstrated perfectly in the "Blank" Kills "Blank" series of an indie developer at itch.io,  David Mills.

However not much is known about the creative genius himself since I couldn't find any of his socials apart from his itch.io page. He has gone and created three masterpieces of pure Toon violence; that being "NED FLANDERS KILLS THE SIMPSONS", "BENDER KILLS PLANET EXPRESS", and the recent one "THE COYOTE KILLS THE ROAD RUNNER".

Let's go over a quick summary and what to expect going into the "Blank" Kills "Blank" series.


Ned Flanders has broken, which was a long time coming. Somewhere deep inside everyone's favorite neighbor-ion, a darkness has brewed to the top and it's out for blood, also it has to do something with Satan but who cares. It is as bloody and uncomfortable as the cover suggests. As you, Ned Flander, go around finding an assortment of weapons and tools, ranging from weak to strong, to put an end to these unsufferable Sons of B*tches. With all the blood and screams to go along with it and with the addition of Ned's one-liners and limping animation. Honestly speaking, this is a completely wonderful and gruesome package. (Also there is a secret with Maggie, so don't worry)


Ah, Bender, the epitome of charm and empathy in the animated universe. This lovable robot with a heart of gold is a poster child for sensitivity and understanding with tendency for psychopathic behavior. Now take all that and introduce a mind virus that forces him to pummel the entire main cast of Futurama while delivering one-liners. Collect weapons and search around for 5 gender-swapped posters of the character to unlock the futuristic laser pistol to do all this all over again, but in style.


After so many years of failed attempts to kill that beeping bastard, and take control of Wile E. Coyote, the mastermind of ingenious plans and flawless execution, said no one ever, to put an end to the Roadrunner; And summoned a demon in a dark ritual. Yes, you heard me right. Did you think he was going to eat him? Of course not.
Go through several classic wacky schemes, such as the Boulder and the Rocket, and put an end to the road runner. Proving once and for all that determination and perfect timing can triumph over common sense. Once you have completed all the scenarios, you unlock Road Runner as a playable character, collecting birdseed and avoiding the Coyote.

This entry is weirdly and personally very satisfying, although shorter compared to other titles.


The "Blank" Kills "Blank" series is a perfect example of what indie developers like David Mills can achieve with pure creativity and questionable content. So, here's to the delightful world of cartoon violence and indie developers, where chaos reigns, anvils fall, and logic takes a backseat in the grand theater of animated absurdity. After all, who needs reality when you have exploding dynamite and characters surviving the unsurvivable? Cheers to the cartoonish pandemonium that keeps us questioning the very essence of animated existence!


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